TONIGHT (Tues, 11/13): Come Join the Math Dept's 16th Annual Integration Bee

Humboldt's Math Department will host the 16th Annaul Integration Bee* TODAY - Tues, Nov 13, from 7:00-9:00PM, in BSS 166.  All interested students are encouraged to register in the Math Department office, BSS 320, and take part in this fun, no pressure event.

Cash Prizes! Spectators Welcome!
Questions? See flyer or email or call Professor Jeff Haag: - 826.5345

*An Integration Bee is a mathematical analogue of a spelling bee. Instead of being given a word to spell, a contestant is given an integral to integrate. Integration is a fundamental idea in calculus, and all integration in the Humboldt Integration Bee can be performed using ideas and techniques learned in the first two semesters of calculus.