Technical Communication Resources


Check Lists Style Guides How To

Writing Check List for ERE
Technical Reports and Lab Reports

Environmental Resources
Engineering Research Guide

How to ask for a
Letter of Recommendation

ASCE Style Guide/ Citing Sources

Professional Email

Writing Memos

Writing Lab Memos

ERE Style Guide 

ERE Presentation Guide

ERE Writing Guide


Technical Communication:
Scientific Posters

Designing Slides With Powerpoint

Sheri Woo's guide to:



Writing a Paragraph

Citing Internet Sources


Other Guides (off campus)

Purdue Online Writing Lab

Writing Guidelines for Engineering and Science Students - Penn State Univeristy

Technical communication is a critically important engineering skill; one can only implement a great idea if one can communicate the idea to others.   ERE students have opportunities to improve their technical writing and presentation skills throughout their time at Humboldt, starting in  Introduction to Environmental Engineering (ENGR 115) and ending in the Senior Capstone Design course  (ENGR 492).  The guidelines provided below are used in various ERE courses. Several of the documents provided below were written by ERE lecturer Sheri Woo.

Writing Check List for ERE Technical Reports and Lab Reports

Written work MUST conform to these conventions and formats, or it will not be accepted!

ASCE Style Guide/ Citing Sources

This page provides a basic introduction to the ASCE citation style. The ASCE manual is generally used for academic writing in the engineering sciences. 

Environmental Resources Engineering Research Guide

You can find ERE research resources on the library website.

Professional Email

How to write email so you come across professionally.

Writing Memos

How to write a memo, including a travel or trip memo.

Writing Lab Memos

Several ERE courses will require work to be submitted using this lab memo format.

ERE Style Guide

Several ERE courses will require work to be submitted in this format.

ERE Presentation Guide

Several ERE courses will require presentations be done in this format.

ERE Writing Guide

All ERE courses require writing and this guide will help.

Technical Communication: Scientific Posters

Posters are a special type of presentation. When well designed, they are not simply journal papers pasted onto boards. Nor are they mounted sets of presentation slides. Rather, posters, when effectively designed, are something in between. This web site discusses the special situation that a scientist or engineer faces when designing a poster and then suggests guidelines to address that situation.

Designing Slides With Powerpoint

Rethinking the Design of Presentation Slides: The Assertion-Evidence Structure from Penn. State Univ.

Sheri Woo's guide to:
Purdue Online Writing Lab

If you have a question about technical writing, you might find the answer here

Writing Guidelines for Engineering and Science Students - Penn State Univeristy 

This site provides samples of different types of technical communication.

How to Apply

So environmental resources engineering sounds interesting, but you are still not sure if Humboldt is right for you? Explore what Humboldt has to offer to both freshman and transfer students.


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