Cal Poly Humboldt has a strong sense of community, and the many donors who help support our efforts are an important part of that community.
The School of Engineering constantly seeks to prepare engineers to identify and solve complex environmental resource problems. The program strives to educate leaders who will sustain, restore and protect our natural resources and the environment. Gifts from our supporters are key to achieving these goals, and we thank you for considering a donation to the School of Engineering!
Using the Designation drop-down menu on the giving page, you can choose a category for donation, and we'll add your gift to a specific fund. Currently, we have two categories, detailed below. You may also donate directly to the funds of our student clubs.
School of Engneering
Funds designated to Engineering Program will help us refurbish parts of Allistair McCrone Hall (formerly Science D) - the engineering building - as well as provide funds for lab equipment, software, supplies, printers, etc.
Student Club Travel and Competitions
Funds designated for Student Club Travel and Competitions will help students prepare and attend professional conferences and competitions where they have been selected to participate. The photo to the right shows our SWE students at the 2016 SWE Conference in Seattle. This option will also provide funds to pay students to work with Engineering faculty on research projects.
The Engineering students, staff and faculty thank you for considering supporting the School of Engineering.