Course Information
To obtain an ERE degree there are several course requirements you must meet. These include California, Humboldt and ERE requirements. This section provides you with information on how to meet these requirements in the easiest and fastest manner possible. In addition, this section provides you with advice when to take various classes.
To assist in planning what classes you would like to take in the future, you can view the links below, or visit our forms page, to find a pdf of the current semester schedule, a draft of the upcoming semester schedule (when available), and a proposed five year course rotation for ENGR classes (subject to change). For a continuously updated view of class schedules present and past, visit the university's class schedule website.
ERE classes combine lectures (Right) with hands-on activities such as investigating solar panel efficiencies (Left).
General Education
Humboldt requires degree recipients to have diverse background; general education courses fulfill these requirements. Learn more about General Education courses.
Major Requirements
Find information on the 25 core courses in the Environmental Resources Engineering program.
Major Electives
You have the opportunity to pursue specific interests by taking four electives. Learn more about our elective offerings.
5-Year Course Rotation
View the 5-year course offering plan for all ENGR classes, or for classes in other majors. Please note: The five year course rotation for design electives is our best estimate of the course offerings for a given semester. The actual courses that are offered are dependent on student demand and faculty availability.
Course Selection Advice
Find advice on the best way to meet the Environmental Resources Engineering degree requirements at all stages in your ERE education.
Current Semester Schedule
When available: The class schedule for the current semester (no summer session)
Upcoming Semester Schedule
When available: A DRAFT schedule for next semester
How to Apply
So environmental resources engineering sounds interesting, but you are still not sure if Humboldt is right for you? Explore what Humboldt has to offer to both freshman and transfer students.
For paperwork and forms such as major and minor contracts, course planning guides, semester schedules, course rotations, office hours and more, visit our forms page!