CWEA/NWEA Student Poster Competition - Apply by Feb 28 - Conference is Mar 31-Apr 1

The California Water Environment Association is hosting a Student Poster Competition at the CWEA/NWEA Joint Annual Conference in Reno, NV on Wednesday, April 1st. If any students are planning to attend the conference, they are encouraged to participate. Cash prizes will be awarded for first ($400), second ($300), and third ($150) place posters, and a special undergraduate prize ($150) will be awarded to encourage undergraduate participation.

This is an excellent opportunity to network with professionals in our industry. Note that conference registration fees are waived for all student CWEA and NWEA members. Students can find more information about the Student Poster Competition on our website and can reach out to me if they have any questions.

Thank you,

Melissa A. Meyer, EIT
Assistant Engineer | Hazen and Sawyer
201 Mission Street, Suite 500, San Francisco, CA 94105
628-242-0755 (Direct) | 628-242-0042 (Main) |