Library Resources
The Humboldt library is a valuable resource for ERE students. This page highlights library web resources that are relevant to ERE students.
- Find library hours, contact information and common services.
- Search the Humboldt catalog online.
Using the Library
The library faculty have put together several resources to assist you in using the library.
Library Research Tutorials
A collection of online tutorials to help you navigate researching with Humboldt's library.
Library Research in ERE
A collection of online tutorials and resources pertaining specifically to researching topics related to ERE.
Citation of Web Pages
The bottom of this module has a list of web pages describing different methods of citing web pages.
Related Resources
Some supplementary materials not specifically for ERE, but that may be helpful for ERE students conducting research.
Environment Impact Statements
A guide to finding all current or in progress EIS/EIR documents available in the library or online
Geospatial Resources
Digital geospatial resources available on-line and from Humboldt's Library web site
Aerial Photographs and USGS topographic maps
How to Apply
So environmental resources engineering sounds interesting, but you are still not sure if Humboldt is right for you? Explore what Humboldt has to offer to both freshman and transfer students.
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