Vacancy Announcement Notification - Interdisciplinary (Civil Engineer [Hydraulics] or Physical Scientist, GS-0810/1301-11/12 Application Deadline: 10/31/17

Why search any longer - we have just the opportunity for you! Come, join us, and become a vital part of the team to restore the Trinity River and its populations of salmon, steelhead and other fish and wildlife. Serve as a hydrology/geomorphology expert on an interdisciplinary team overseeing scientific evaluations and providing design recommendation that directly affect river restoration projects along the Trinity River. For information on the TRRP, visit

This position is located with the Bureau of Reclamation, Northern California Area Office,Trinity River Restoration Division, Weaverville, California. For information on the Northern California Area Office visit: For information on Weaverville, Trinity County, CA visit:

To fill out the application and get more information, please visit this link: